Werner Van Hoye (15° Dan - Dai Shihan)

Bujinkan practitioner since 1992.

Besides the many trainings in his own dojo's (Turnhout, Geel), at seminars, the former taikai's under Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi and trips to Honbu Dojo in Japan, also his experiences in Judo and MMA support his Ninjutsu techniques. His more than 30 years of active military experience as a reserve officer in the infantry give a surplus to his tactical and strategic acumen.Quote, "Don't focus on your degree, but keep training with a focus on the fundamentals of our martial arts. This will make you a better Martial Artist."

Daan Beheydt (9° Dan)

Bujinkan practitioner since 1998.

He used to train in the dojo's of Oostkamp and Gent and now, after moving to the Kempen, trains in Turnhout. This means that he was able to build up his knowledge under the guidance of a number of trainers. He has also followed many seminars in Belgium and the Netherlands as well as trainings in Honbu Dojo in Japan.